Monday 29 November 2010

Experiment Update - 29th November 2010

Ever since the closure of the Great Western Warehouse in November 2009, the question on all of our visitors’ lips has been: "When will the Experiment gallery re-open?"

The good news is that despite a recent lack of Blog updates (for which we apologise profusely). The Experiment project has been coming together just nicely. Our designers, AIVAF have been working away steadily in the background with MOSI’s own Technical Services and Learning teams to create a gobsmacking array of new exhibits and modifications to breath new life into our existing collection of hands-on science interactive exhibits.

Over the past week or so, teams of staff from MOSI and AIVAF have been working tirelessly to install the exhibits in their new surroundings. The MOSI blog team have also been busy, creeping stealth-like into Experiment to bring you this sneak peak of the gallery as it takes shape. Hopefully, this will be the first of several updates from within the gallery this week so please check back throughout this week for the latest news and images from Experiment, MOSI’s fascinating and unique hands-on science gallery

We are reaching the final stages of the refurbishment of the Great Western Warehouse. Find out all the latest news, including how you can contribute to the Revolution Manchester gallery and keep up-to-date with other events and exhibitions at MOSI by joining our Facebook page. We’re aiming for 500 members by Christmas, so join today and don’t forget to get your family, colleagues and friends involved in the MOSI revolution!

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