Thursday 2 December 2010

02/12/2010 Experiment (and Revolution Manchester) Update

Following yesterdays disruption caused by the particularly heavy snow over the Pennines (we’re still largely unscathed here in Manchester); the Experiment team have been working hard to make up for lost time. The installation of graphics is progressing at a steady rate and the MOSI Technical Services team are applying the finishing touches to the interactive exhibits in the gallery, installing spot lighting, electrical supplies and touching up paintwork. As outsiders to the design process to date, we must admit to being massively impressed with the exhibits within the gallery, we're particularly amazed by the transformation of the existing exhibits - what were tired and uninspiring exhibits in the previous incarnation of Experiment have been reworked and are now really bold, fascinating and inspirational. The new dark area is quite simply amazing!

To permanently commemorate their work in the gallery each individual member of the installation team has signed a plastic milk bottle which has been included as part of a backdrop to a new set of recycling exhibits funded by the SITA Trust. Not to be outdone, the MOSI Blog team have ensured that our contribution to the project is also permanently remembered!

Elsewhere, we’ve been guilty of not blogging the progress made in the Revolution Manchester gallery. This was quite deliberate. We believe that the Revolution Manchester gallery is going to be a spectacular introductory gallery quite unlike anything you have seen in a UK museum before and we certainly don’t want to spoil the surprise. However, we’re proud of this little slice of the blogosphere and we’re even more proud of the small band of loyal friends that we have acquired from around the world. We would be doing you a disservice if we didn’t sneak you an update or two from within the gallery. So, as a Friday treat, and to round off our first complete week of blogging, we’ll be donning our hi-vis vests and hard-hats to bring you a full photographic update from what will be the mind-blowing Revolution Manchester gallery.

In the meantime, we've thrown some snaps of Revolution Manchester taking shape, viewed from the all new Experiment gallery directly above, into today's photographic update.

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